Never take frogs from the wild.
Cope’s gray tree frogs aren’t
common in captivity, but these
have never lived outside.
They are happier living inside,
and keeping them doesn’t
affect the wild population.Never release pet frogs outside.
It’s cruel to the frogs and could
introduce very serious diseases
to the native population.
Care sheets from other sites:
- Gray Tree Frog Pet Care Sheet
- care page
- Awesome video about setting up a vivarium and caring for gray tree frogs
- Five Fascinating Frog Fun Facts about Gray Tree Frogs!
Most Cope’s gray tree frogs (Dryophytes chrysoscelis) have mellow, charming, and funny personalities. Even some wild ones are much, much calmer and more approachable than the green tree frogs I’ve met.
They are most active in the evening, and they enjoy jumping from branch to leaf to even very tiny vines. During the day, they often sleep while basking in the warmth of their vivarium lamp. They also seem to enjoy sounds including people talking, recorded shows, or nature sounds.
Maybe because I’ve spent some time socializing him, my frog Evan seems to love to hang out with me. He also really enjoys hanging out in his18″ x 36″ x 18″ paludarium.
Life span: 6-9 years
Size: 1-1/2 to 2 inches, females generally larger than males
Do they sing? Yes! The males occasionally make a very funny buzzy trill. They also sometimes make a chittering sound. Plus, of course, the occasional rustle or plop as they jump around their viviarium. Playing this recording or this one often cues them to start singing.
Appearance: They change color! They can go from almost white to almost black, plus shades of tan and brown. They are also green sometimes, but mainly when they’re younger.
Gray tree frogs can be identified by the bright yellow patches on their thighs. Their name chrysoscelis is from Greek chrysos, gold, and scelis, leg.
Food: They currently eat hydei fruit flies and extra-small crickets ordered through the mail. I can help you with sourcing these.
Water: These tree frogs don’t need as much humidity as South American dart frogs or pond frogs — they live in trees, after all — but they do need some humidity and a constant supply of sittable water. Evan has even taken to lurking in the edge of his water feature waiting for food to wander by, but normally they spend most of their time on trees, plants, or other above-ground accommodations.
Environment: They need a spacious glass terrarium. These guys love to hop around and leap from thing to thing, so a regular aquarium probably isn’t going to make them their happiest.
Who was Cope? Edward Drinker Cope described this species in 1880. Gray tree frogs look and act almost identical to Cope’s gray tree frogs. There are only two observable differences: The Cope’s Gray Treefrog has two sets of chromosomes (diploid) and has a harsher, higher pitched call. The Gray Treefrog has four sets of chromosomes (tetraploid) and a slower, lower pitched, more melodic trill.
I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions or give advice. I love these guys and want them to be happy, and I want you to be happy too.
Also: if you decide to set up a bioactive vivarium, I have some extra springtails and a good number of isopods to share. Oh, and a lot of plants.

Water is important for frogs; they absorb it (and anything else) through their skin. They need constant access to a pool or dish that they can sit in. They start their lives as fish, after all, and they are very watery creatures.