Awesome video about caring for gray tree frogs.
Five Fascinating Frog Fun Facts about Gray Tree Frogs!

These little gray tree frogs need a new home! Peter (as in Parker), Evan, and Johann (not pictured: Shy Petunia, Arthur, Bruce, and Robert) are very socialized and have been with humans their whole lives. Evan, the oldest one, is staying with me, but I really only need one frog. (Breaking news: I am keeping Arthur. Sorry. He is the cutest thing ever.)
Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Contact: More about adopting them is here.
They are 100% pets. They expect food to fall from the sky directly into their mouths, and think shirts are as safe as trees. Although this species is native to North America, they should not be released into the wild. Not only are they sweet and trusting, many seem nearsighted or just plain clumsy.
If you can provide a nice big leafy terrarium to keep them safe and happy (or if you’d like me to help you create one!) please contact me for more information.

About me: I’m not a frog professional. I’m probably never going to raise frogs again – these guys are the result of a one-time project. It was a pandemic thing. They are awesome, though.